Fees and Payout Information

Membership Fee

Membership fees are $20 per person per year.

Tournament Fee

Entry fees are $100 per boat and you can run a 1 or 2 person team.

Points Places

Up to 39 boats we will pay 3 places. For every 1-10 boats thereafter we will gain a spot.

For example:
39 boats = 3 places
40 boats thru 49 boats = 4 places
50 boats thru 59 boats = 5 places etc...

Tournament Points

1st Place - 100 points
2nd Place - 99 points
3rd Place - 98 points, etc...

All remaining boats without fish will receive 1 point less than the last boat weighing fish. Teams prepaying and not fishing will not receive any points.

Big Fish

We will pay 1 (one) place for big fish per tournament.

Membership Money Pays Points and Classic Payout.

Entry Fee Breakdown:
$ 72 - Tournament Pot
$ 20 - Fish-Off Pot
$ 5 - Big Fish Pot
$ 3 - Admin.'s Cost
$100 - Total

Points money will pay five places:
1st - $500
2nd - $400
3rd - $300
4th - $200
5th - $100